Register for
"Swingin on the Green" The Burt Clark Foundation Golf Tournament

  • Early Bird Pricing - Individual Golfer

    When you purchase an Individual Golfer Early Bird ticket, you’ll be able to purchase up to 1 Mulligan/Raffle Package Early Bird ticket from the Early Bird Pricing - Individual Golfer ticket group.

    Individual Golfer Early Bird



    • $100 - For one (1) individual golf registration - (can purchase 4 to make a team)

    Mulligan/Raffle Package Early Bird


    Can Purchase:

    • $20 - For two (2) mulligans & three (3) raffle tickets per golfer - (a maximum of one pkg per player)
      Disclaimer: NO MULLIGAN may be used for any prize competition. (Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Putting contest, etc.) Mulligans can only be used for any second chance golf shot.

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