Kids Activities

Children's Activities and Education
5 bounce houses and peddle race track (included with admission)
Ball toss carnival gameĀ (additional cost with prizes)
Various tables of aviation and car themed arts/crafts
Rock Build/Paper Aircraft buildĀ
3D printer model displays and 3D printed educational airfoils
Aircraft build Test Zone/aircraft competition
Wind tunnel
Face Painting
Educational tables on aerodynamics/rocketry
Women in Aviation
Booth featuring WIA history and a navigation challenge
Kelch Aviation Museum
Local aviation history and displays
Educational displays and activities on automotive principles
Rocket Launch
Build and launch up to 100 ft away with compressed air
Aviation Education Booths

Rock River Military Vehicles
REVV Aviation

Red Bird Flight Simulator
Aviation Fun

Paper Airplane Contest
How far can your airplane fly?

Rocket Launch
In partnership with Propel Forward, Craig Highschool & Kelch Aviation Museum

Art Station
Create take home works of art or decorate your plane to fly

More Activities Coming Soon!
Inflatables & Bounce Houses