You can only purchase one ticket per transaction.
All selected Jeeps will be secured inside the Glass City Convention Center exhibit hall from Friday, August 2 until noon on Sunday, August 4 for public display. Your Jeep® should have one quarter tank of gas or less and the battery will be disconnected during the show.
Once your Jeep® is parked in the Indoor Exhibit, it cannot exit to take part in the All-Jeep® Parade. Jeeps cannot participate in both activities, and therefore drivers must pick only one of these popular options.
Your Indoor Exhibit ticket comes with a swag bag and an exclusive participant T-shirt. You may select a size during registration. Additional exclusive participant T-shirts are for sale during your one-time check out only, so don't miss your chance to purchase. These T-shirts will not be available for purchase to the general public, ONLY official TJF participants.