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Women's Agri-Intelligence Conference

We are proud to announce the fourth annual Women’s Agri-Intelligence Conference, hosted by Northwest Ohio Farm Bureau, is taking place June 6-7, 2025 at The Hilton Garden Inn in Findlay, Ohio. The premise of our conference is to connect women together through agriculture despite the depth of their agricultural backgrounds. We want to foster an opportunity for women that may or may not have experience within the agricultural sector to develop personal and professional connections within the agricultural community further strengthening our support system of local women. 

We are now asking for your support to help make this event a success! First, please share the attached flier with women co-workers or others in your community to help us spread the word and encourage supporting women related to agriculture. 

Secondly, we kindly ask if you would be willing to sponsor our conference with one of the following donation tiers: 

❖ Seedling Sponsor - $50 to $99 

❖ Bushel Sponsor - $100 to $249 

❖ Field Sponsor - $250 to $499 

➢ Includes Logos on T-Shirts and Advertising 

❖ Harvest Sponsor - $500 to $1000+ 

➢ Includes Logos on T-Shirts, Advertising, and Individual Spotlight 

All financial support contributors will be advertised on shirts the staff will wear throughout the event. Additional advertising will be included in correlation with the sponsor level. Please send an email indicating your sponsorship level and include your current logo to Please make checks payable to “Hardin County Farm Bureau” and mail them to 100 Hopewell Ave, Tiffin, OH 44883, by January 31, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Kirsten Kemner at 419-266-4487. We thank you for your generosity! 


Mary Wilhelm, Chair 

Courtney Kiper Anne Fry Deon Morter Pressley Buurma Haylee VanScoy Dee Christy 


One Time

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