New Hope Children's Advocacy Center depends on the financial support of community members like you so that we can continue providing needed services to Blount County children who have experienced abuse - all at no cost to the children and their families.
It costs about $1,200 to provide services for one child, and New Hope saw nearly 700 children in 2021. The need is great and, sadly, the numbers rise every year. Your support makes a difference, and we are grateful.
New Hope Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) is a child-focused, safe place in Blount County, TN, for physically or sexually abused children and their families where they receive all services needed after abuse occurs.
At the CAC, professionals who are a part of the investigation convene to provide a coordinated response to allegations of child abuse. Services such as advocacy, forensic interviews, medical exams, and therapy are provided in one place so the child only recounts the details of his or her abuse one time and in a way that is not re-traumatizing.
The organization is a not-for-profit agency, providing all services at no cost to the family.