Saturday, October 15, 2022
We invite you to come out to our Exclusive VIP Event, which will include a performance of Say Goodnight, Gracie by Ralph Pape!
Your ticket to the VIP EVENT will give you access to the Pre-Show Mingle Event with live music, small plates prior to the show - AND - access to the Post-Show After-Party with the cast!
- 1 Seat to Say Goodnight Gracie by Ralph Pape
- Pre-Show Mingle
- Live Music before show
- Small Plates (catered by Maggiano's Little Italy)
- Non-alcoholic beverages
- Wine and beer
- Post-Show After-Party
- Live Music after show
- Dessert bites (catered by Maggiano's Little Italy)
- Champagne toast with the cast
- Meet and greet with the cast
DATE: Saturday, October 15th
PRE-SHOW MINGLE: Starts at 6:30PM
SHOWTIME: Show begins promptly at 8:00PM
AFTER-PARTY: Immediately after show for 90 minutes
Our VIP Event will allow you give a 100% tax-free donation to our theater while enjoying a very special Exclusive night at TOTE!