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What is the Square Dance Club?

There is a shortage of square dance callers along the Front Range of Colorado and training more callers would greatly benefit our old-time square dance community. The Lyons Square Dance Club aims to create a welcoming space for members of our community to learn the art of calling square dances.

Our goal is to hold monthly gatherings with at least 10–12 participants. Each meeting will include at least one full square (8 dancers) along with live musicians providing music. A professional dance caller will lead workshops, offering guidance and hands-on experience for those learning to call.

We're collecting contact information from anyone interested in participating. Once we have a list of interested parties that exceeds 12 people, we'll be able to start making plans for the first meeting. Signing up does not commit you to attending—your information will only be used for scheduling updates related to the Lyons Square Dance Club.

Let’s dance!


Where are these meetings going to be held?

  • The Lyons Library Community Room.

When are these meetings going to be held?

  • Depending on club member availability, we'll aim for once a month.

How much will this cost?

  • The only expense invovled with this is payment for the caller who will be instructing. This will be discussed once we have a list of interested people that would bring us safely above 10-12 people per meeting. The library requires our meetings to be free of charge, so they will be. We may take a suggested donation from club members to help pay for the instructor. 

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