Disclaimer: The listing on this website of any group run or running group, which is not explicitly sponsored by the Richmond Road Runners Club, is provided solely as a service so that you are aware of running groups in the RVA area. RRRC's listing of these running groups in no way constitutes an endorsement or approval of the listed group, nor does it indicate RRRC's support for any specific group, organization or business. You should make an independent evaluation of each running group to decide if you want to participate. All information listed is subject to change. Check with each running group for the most accurate information.
Do you want to add your running group to RRRC's list? Just send an email to runsignupcoordinator@rrrc.org with the following info:
- Name of your group
- Who (how you describe your group, your runs, your running paces, etc)
- Where and when you run
- Public contact info (Facebook group, email, etc.)
- Image file (logo or picture)
- Administrative contact info (email and phone) for RRRC's periodic update/verification of your group's activity and information
Need to update/correct your group's info? Send an email to administrator@rrrc.org.
If a group is no longer active, send an email to administrator@rrrc.org. Thank you.
Black Girls Run
Who: The Richmond chapter of Black Girls RUN! is excited for you to join us. The ladies of BGR! Richmond come in all shapes and sizes and have a vast span of experience running. BGR! Richmond is a representative sample of the Greater Richmond region…diverse in every way. We all start somewhere, and above all, this group of ladies wants to support your respective walking/jogging/running journeys. It all starts with one step, and BGR! Richmond will support you from step one and beyond. All the events are beginner friendly and open to all women.
- Mon @ 5:45 PM - Wells Fargo parking lot in White Oak Village Shopping Center
- Tue @ 6:45 PM - Great Shiplock Park
- Sat @ 8:00 AM - parking lot next to Rockwood Park
- Sun @ 2:30 PM - parking lot next to Rockwood Park
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bgrrichmond/ or email blackgirlsrunrva@gmail.com
Black Men Run
Who: The Richmond chapter of Black Men Run encourages health and wellness among African American men by promoting a culture of running to stay fit. This group is open to beginners and advanced runners. We are here to be a support group.
Where: Fountain Lake at Byrd Park
When: Sun @ 8:00 AM
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BMRRichmond/
Bryan Park Group

Who: runners who meet weekly to run 6 miles (usually) at 9 - 12 min/mile pace
Where: North Side/Bellevue area - meet at Stir Crazy Cafe, 4015 MacArthur Avenue, map
When: Sat mornings at 7:00 AM
Info/Contact: Susan Deusebio, email skdeusebio@gmail.com
City Stadium Runners
Who: a group of runners who meet weekly to run from City Stadium. We welcome anyone - seasoned runners to beginners. Runners have paces from 8 to 14 min/mile; several runners do run/walk/run intervals; and some folks walk. We typically have 2 routes each week - 4 and 9 miles, 5 and 9, 6 and 10 and then repeat. Most weeks we have a SAG that is operated by volunteers in the group.
Where: City Stadium
When: Sat @ 7:45 AM (mid-November to Memorial Day); Sat @ 7:15 AM (Memorial Day to start of Sport Backers' HMTT)
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/577195912350952/ or email citystadiumrunners@gmail.com
Who: Runners who meet weekly to run 4-6 miles at 8-10:30 min/mile pace
Where: Forest Hill area - Crossroads Coffee and Ice Cream (3600 Forest Hill Avenue)
When: Wed @ 6:00 PM
Info/Contact: email Mike Swain @ mikesn5va@gmail.com
Dog Pack
Who: a Sunday morning running group that meets at Publix in Carytown. Running 8:30-14:30 min/mile pace.
Where: Publix Carytown
When: Sun @ 7:15 AM
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1671581323100585
Fan Foxes
Who: a running group of varying paces and levels of experience that meets 3-4 times a week early in the morning. Everybody is welcome!
Where: Fan District - Fox Elementary School (2300 Hanover Ave)
When: Tue, Wed, and Thu @ 6:00 AM
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fanfoxes/
Lucky Road Carytown

Who: group runs from your favorite neighborhood runner shop, Luck Road Running Store! Open to all speeds and experience levels.
Where: Carytown - Luck Road Running Store (3002 W Cary St)
When: Mon @ 6:00 PM
Midlothian ACAC
Who: a group that meets weekly for an early morning 7-8 mile run
Where: Midlothian ACAC (11621 Robious Rd), meet at the west end of the parking lot
When: Thu @ 5:30 AM
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MidloACACRun/
Midlo Mafia
Who: a bunch of crazy runners that train in Midlothian
Where: Midlothian YMCA (737 Coalfield Rd) parking lot
When: daily @ 5:30/6:00 AM
Info/Contacts: https://www.facebook.com/groups/429449713804077/
Mountain Hearts Running Club
We run any distance, no matter how short, but live for long runs in the mountains.
We have a club policy of Mexican food after any run > 20 miles
We generally meet on an ad hoc basis based on club member demand but also schedule quarterly long runs and socials, so stay posted!
Info/Contact: www.strava.com/clubs/mountainhearts and https://www.facebook.com/mtnhearts/
November Project (LFG) Run Group
November Project Saturday
Pace: 4 & 7 mile routes, 8-12 minute pace
Time: 7:10 a.m.
Where: VMFA (Rumors of War)
Contact: fullerchrism@gmail.com
Richmond Running & Social Meetup
Who: a group of running friends that also like to hang out for social activities and outdoor exploration organized this group to bring more people along for the fun. If you are a beginning runner or a seasoned runner, we have people of all levels that will be there with you. Many of us run 5k's, 10k's, half marathons or marathons and are training throughout the year, and many of us just love to go for an easy casual run at a pace you can talk to your friends. And then we take the running shoes off and enjoy festivals, kayaking, biking, hiking, eating out and many other activities. We hope you can come join us!
- Mon @ 6:30 PM - Libby Park (check meetup.com)
- Wed @ 6:30 PM - Carytown Panera (check meetup.com)
- Thu @ 6:00 PM - Retreat Hospital (ER side) (check meetup.com)
- Sat @ 8:30 AM - VITA Course in Byrd Park (check meetup.com)
Info/Contact: https://www.meetup.com/RVA-Running-Social-Meetup/
Ridgefield Runners
Who: early morning runners -- all paces welcome
Where: Short Pump area - start from Publix/YMCA at John Rolfe Commons
When: Tue, Wed and Thu mornings @ 6:00 AM
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/368386789999522/
River City Run Club
When: Monday Nights
Time: 5:30 pm
Location: Inside Lucky Road Run Shop at Willow Lawn
1601 Willow Lawn Drive, Richmond, VA 23230
More info:
Who: runners who meet to run 5-6 miles at 7-10 minute per mile pace; some added distance during training seasons
Where: Short Pump area - Einstein Bros. Bagels (3320 Pump Rd)
When: Tue and Thu starting at 5:30 AM
Info/Contact: George Sushkoff, email gsushkoff@gmail.com.
RVA Monthly Trail Run

RVA Monthly Trail Run! ALL WEATHER! ALL AGES! Play in the dirt! Re-learn how much fun running can be! Bring a friend! Bring your dog!
These "trail run" and "trail slower-run/walk-break" groups are fun & easy paced intros to trail running and a guided tour of the James River trails! Both the run group (6-7 miles) and the slow-run/walk-break group (4-5 miles) take place on the trails of the James River Park System (NorthBank, Texas Beach, Belle Isle, TPot Bridge, Forest Hill Park and Buttermilk). The "run" group is for you if you can run 6-7 miles on the roads at an 11 minutes per mile road pace. The slow-run/walk-break runners should be able to run 4-5 miles on the road at a 15 minute per mile or better pace.
No special equipment is needed. Road running shoes are fine for these well-worn/well-traveled trails. We pass at least one porta-potty en route. Water fountains are operational from April through November. Bring fluid if you'll want to drink on the fly.
This is not a high-end group, just friendly trail runners wanting to share the experience. We run short segments, regroup, then head to the next regroup point. No one gets left behind. There'll be experienced trail runners in support. And yes, we do have sweepers, and they tell me that's where most of the fun really takes place. Runners bring snacks and beverages to share after the run! Hope to see you out there...
Where: Trailhead @ Pump House Parking Lot, Pump House Drive, Richmond Drive (immediately adjacent to the Boulevard Bridge toll plaza property).
When: 1st Sat or Sun of each month at 8:00 AM
More Information: Look for a post on the last weekend of the month to FaceBook: RVA Monthly Trail Run
Always happy to answer any questions or concerns: Mark Guzzi, 804-651-5415 or markandrewguzzi@gmail.com
RVA Stroller Runners
Who: runners with strollers (and children) doing 3-5 mile group runs. All paces and levels are welcome.
Where: various locations around Richmond, some runs may include trails. Check Facebook page for changes and updates to times and locations.
When: Group Runs are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:45
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1597418347194024/
Sandston Striders
Who: We welcome all paces and we run 5 to 6 mile routes near the Chickahominy YMCA. The routes have very little traffic and it is rare to encounter a dog. There are usually options to lengthen or shorten the route. We start at 7:30 AM in the summer months and 8:00 AM in the winter months.
Where: East End - Chicahominy Family YMCA (5401 Whiteside Rd, Sandston)
When: Sat @ 7:30/8:00 AM
Info/Contact: George Talley, email gc_talley@verizon.net
Sugar & Twine Training Team
Who: We are a year round group of runners. We meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and run between 4 and 5 miles at 8:00 to 9:00 pace. All are welcome. We change routes every run (posted on FB the day before) and take a quick walk break ½ way through each run (to regroup). Coffee and pastries (optional) following each run at Sugar & Twine.
Where: Sugar & Twine, 2928 W. Cary Street (Carytown), Richmond
When: Between 6 and 6:15 am, Tuesday and Thursday mornings (time listed with each route)
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/361699573878105/
Tuesday Nite Trail Run
Tuesday Nite Trail Group: Runners meet weekly to run 6-8 miles on the James River Park trails. If you can go that distance on the road at a 10:00 minute/mile pace, then come on out!
Where: Byrd Park area - meet in the grassy field under the tall trees, adjacent to Dogwood Dell and the dog park (Barker Field)
When: Tue @ 5:45 PM
Info/Contact: Mark Guzzi markandrewguzzi@gmail.com (804)651-5415
We off the couch: Running with Rock and Tara
@WEOFFTHECOUCH we believe there is no such thing as a runner's body. If you have a body and you're able to run, you have a runner's body. "All paces are welcome"
Monday (ladies only) 6:30 a.m.
Wednesday (5+ miles) 5:30 p.m.
Sunday (2-mile beginner’s run) 10 a.m.
Sunday (5+ miles) 10:45 a.m.
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/weoffthecouch/
Winter Trail Group
Who: a group that typically runs the Northbank/Buttermilk loop - approx 6.5 miles. All paces are welcome. We will stop and regroup along the route so that no one gets left behind. Meets seasonally Dec-May.
Where: North Bank Pump House trail head parking lot by Byrd Park
When: Sat @ 9:00 AM
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/shamrocktraining
Brewery Runs
One for the Road
Who: A fun weekly running group - usually begins and ends at a local brew pub or restaurant. Because we run to eat and drink!
Where: various breweries
When: Wed @ 6:00 PM
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/100890573593214/
Final Gravity Run Club
Where: Final Gravity Brewing, 6118 Lakeside Ave. Meet behind the brewery.
When: Join us on Sundays at 11:00 am or Thursday at 6 pm.
Your choice of a 3-mile or 5-mile Run Route! Various paces
Track Starr Run Club
Where: Starr Hill Richmond Beerhall, 3406 West Leigh Street
When: Tuesdays at 6:30pm
All paces welcome! We offer 5k and 10k routes each week.
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1232970800500279/
Richbrau Ramblers
Where: Richbrau Brewing, 5 South 20th Street
When: Wednesdays at 6:10pm
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/489877135105581
Väsen Run Club
Where: Väsen Brewing Company, 3331 W Moore Street
When: Wednesday at 6pm
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/vasenbrewing or https://www.vasenbrewing.com/#events
Chester Brew Crew
Where: Three Leg Run Brewery, 4418 W. Hundred Road, Chester
When: Thursday at 6pm
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/396898327781581
Running' Roosters Run Club
Where: Crazy Rooster Brewing, 1560 Oakbridge Dr, Powhatan
When: Thursday at 6pm: Runners generally start the Run/Walk 5:30-6ish but it’s at your leisure!
Info/Contact: https://www.facebook.com/crazyroosterbrewing