Information and Benefits
Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers is a diverse group of people from all walks of life and fitness levels. From beginners to veterans, you’ll find us on the weekends running and walking the trails around Lake Grapevine. Runners and Walkers of all paces, distances, abilities and experience levels are welcome!
A 12-month Individual membership is $25 and a Family membership is $35.
Joining is easy.

Weekly Runs & Regular Activities
- Saturday and Sunday Group Start 7 AM
- Water and Gatorade on the course
- Access to the clubhouse with running water, coffee, a refrigerator and other amenities
- Tuesdays 6:30 PM “Hop & Sprint”, a social run starting and ending at Hop & Sprint Brewing Co.
- Short Stack Sunday – a pancake breakfast the first Sunday of each month
- Watermelon Weekends Memorial Day – Labor Day

Reduced Race Entry Fees
- Bold in the Cold 5K & 15K
- Double Trouble 5K & 10K
- All Blaze Trails Running Events
- Other Area Races

Running Store & Other Discounts
- Bear Creek Running Co.
- Running Warehouse
- Other available discounts are listed in "The FOOTPRINT", our newsletter published monthly exclusively to our members via email.

Club Socials, Fun Runs and Volunteer Opportunities
- Global Running Day
- Spring Pig Roast & Potluck Picnic
- Anti-Turkey Trot – Thanksgiving
- Holiday Party
- Holiday Lights Run through the Christmas Capital of Texas
- New Year’s Day Run & Potluck Breakfast
- Water Duty
- RAW’s Double Trouble & Bold in the Cold
- BMW Dallas Marathon Fun Run
- RAW Aid Station at the Dallas Marathon
- Keep Grapevine Beautiful / Adopt- A -Trail Community Clean-Ups