Food and Resupply

Your ticket will include Taco Bar dinner on Fri night and a Burger Bar on Saturday night. There will be vegetarian optons on both Fri and Sat night along with fixins, cookie and a drink. Be sure to state you need a vegetarian option on your registration comments.
Friday and Sunday breakfast options 7:30-10am will be a grab and go breakfast wraps from a local food vendors.
Saturday WVSTA will provide a donation based Pancake Breakfast- pancackes, sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs
Lunch will be on your own each day. Onsite the Starlight Cafe offers food from 10:30-5:30pm. Pizza, Subs & Snacks
Local options: Homegrown Harvest- more to come

FREE Tent Camping for the first 230 "3 day pass" ticket holders!
(No Hammocking or Motor Homes).
Other accommidation options are listed below.

Boyer Campground - 5 miles from the Green Bank Observatory
Seneca State Forest Rustic Cabins :
Cass Scenic Railroad State Park :
East Fork Campground - 12 miles
Airbnb, VRBO are other options with in 25 miles of the event - Dunmore, Arborvale, Durbin, Bartow