Exhibitors Guides
Exhibitor Setup

21 Sept 2023 - 9am -10pm
-- Highly Encourage all Exhibitors to setup the day prior. 21Sept 10am-7pm
-- If you need to buildout your area arrive early and also make arrangments to utilize the loading docs behind the GRB ( Pass Required)
-- If you can just roll your stuff in you can drop off at the front enterence with an attendent, park, pickup your dropped off items and proceed to EXPO Exhibitor Registration - GRB Grand Ballroom.
** You may leave you table setup minus and valuables (Security onsite 24/7 all 21-23 Sept), so when you arrive Friday Morning you have a quick setup and you can network with other Exhibitors attend bbreakout sessions and have breakfast.
Need Loading Dock Drop off: either big or lots of items
-- email: EXPO@houveteranschamber.org
Welcome to your
Veterans Business, Career / Employment & Resource EXPO 2023.
Updated: 1 Jun 2023
You will have everything you need to put on a successful show. Use the links above to scroll through all the information to have a great show! Bookmark this link for easy access before & during the show.
IMPORTANT: Be familiar with the GRB Exhibitor rules
Food & Catering: ALL: Food and Catering must go through GRB Catering Levy Application here:
Food Trucks: Application above and additional requirements
Be considerate of your neighboring booths.
● Please note that the use of loud music or amplification is prohibited.
● Please be respectful of your neighbors and not be disruptive.
● EXPO Staff will be patrolling the aisles to enforce this.
Attendee No Solicitation Policy
It is our hope that you have a fabulous EXPO!
We try very hard to prevent attendees from soliciting our Exhibitors. There are signs posted throughout the Exhibitor Hall & we have staff patrolling the aisles making sure attendees adhere to this policy. If you do have a problem with an attendee, please let our staff know or take a note of the attendee’s name so we can explain to them our strict No Solicitation Policy. If an attendee fails to follow this policy, we will kindly ask them to leave. Thanks for your help with this!
Prohibited Items:
No Sales or Samples of Weapons & Ammo (Case by Case bases) (knives or defense items must be in a locked display case) , Drugs, CBD, Tobacco ( Display items only), Alcohol ( Displays Only ie bottle or can display), fuels.
Helium, Glitter, Confetti, Propane, Mylar Ballons.
Welcome Exhibitors
Here you'll find Resources that will help make this a successful event for you this year.
You will have your own area depending on the size you selected & paid for.
*** Read through the GRB Convention Center Rules.
**** Food/Drink Venders with (samples) will need to regisster with Levy with additional rules.
Exhibitors Prospectus
Your Exhibitor Registration Covers 2 Company/Organization reps. per day (includes Breakfast & Lunch & a 10x10 area/booth) a $2,250 - $2,500 value.
( Recommend for Solo operator to bring a second person so you the Business Owner can attend the breakout sessions) - We will have EXPO Staff Volunteers that can temporarily releave you for restroom & lunch.)
Veteran & Military Owned Businesses -- Expectation is to have the Veteran or Military Spouse Owners to attend the EXPO (The procurement officer & companies want to speak with the Veteran or Military Spouse to make the connection)
Provided: with a table & 2 Chairs (If you would like to build out your own are you can )
Bring your own Branded items (Table Cloth, banner & stand, carpet for your area) (10x10 Text if you would like must fit into your assigned area. )
Exhibitors Guide to Success (Coming Soon )
Parking is on your own (Ref to parking tab for more info)
Setup: Recommend setting up the day Prior (There will be security on sight 24hr. ) however if high value items, bring the day of.
---- VB EXPO, GRB or Staff is not liable for theft per your registration agreement.
Days of the EXPO
Exhibitor Registration opens 6:00am
-- Expectation all Exhibitors have checked in and setup by 9:00am -Fri. 22 Sept 2023 (except those that are only coming in for Saturday (pre-arranged).
-- Expectatation for VOBs is to have the Veteran Business Owner onsite at the table ( Procurement & poeple want to meet the Veteran Owner to make the connection & build the business relationship.
-- Alway to have a representative at the Exhibitors table ( if your a soloprenuer ask another person or cient to be work the talbe or make arrangement with EXPO QC Staff to stand in for you for restroom, breakout sessions, lunch or an earn) (The EXPO staff are not there to sell your product or service just to watch your table and let the people stopping by that you will return at xx time to come back)
Breakdown info:
23 Sept 2023: Please do not pack up your Booth until 5:00 PM on Friday, Security onsite you may leave you booth setup for the following day. ( If Friday was your only day and you let the EXPO Staff know breakdown after 5pm on Friday) .
Please do not disassemble, pack up or remove your exhibit materials until 5:00 PM on Show Day. Because of fire code regulations, NO early breakdown is allowed.
23 Sept 2023: Please do not pack up your Booth until 4:00 PM on Saturday. Full Breakdown of Exhibit Hall - ALL Exhibitors out of the Ballroom by 5pm - Pipe & Drap Breakdown Begins
STAFF - Full EXIT of the GRB by 11:59pm 23 Sept 2023
Please note:
You will be using the same loading enterance for Loading out. if you hand carried in / hand carry out, If you have a loading doc pass you will be assigned a time to pick up your pre-staged at the loading docs ( there is a GRB Limitation on the number of Vehicals per Loading Doc.
Hand Carry Items
Exhibitors may load in through the main entrance at registration by hand carrying items their items or side enterance for larger items by using a cart (NO DOLLYS, NO FOUR-WHEELED CARTS). Exhibitors must bring your own carts there will be none avaiable onsite use for loading in/out.