What is Celebrate Saybrook?
Celebrate Saybrook is a town-wide celebration presented by the Town of Old Saybrook, Old Saybrook Police Department, The Kate, Greater Old Saybrook Chamber and Old Saybrook Parks & Recreation. In it's 3rd year, the event is held on Main Street, Old Saybrook

Sunday June 22, 2025
1:30pm - 6:00pm
Main Street, Old Saybrook
What comes with my booth space?
You'll be provided a 12' x 12' booth space. Celebrate Saybrook does not provide tents, tables or chairs. Electicity is available on a limted basis (indicate need when registering)
Day of Event Check-In
Event Check-In is located at 51 North Main Street, (Commuter Lot by the Train Station). It will open at 10am and all vehicles will proceed together to Main Street at Noon. Report to the Check-In to receive your color-coded, assigned vendor location number and to be placed in line for access to Main Street. All vendors will proceed together to the event area on Main Street once the street is successfully and safely closed.
Once you received your color-coded vendor number and are escorted to the event area, you may park your food truck for the duration of the event - or - unload your vehicle and set up your booth. All unloading must be completed by 1:30pm when all vehicles that are not part of the event must be parked in designated vendor parking area in the rear of the 210 Main Street parking lot.
If you need to retrieve additional materials from your vehicle during the event, please call the event contact number or email ecodev.events@saybrookct.gov for assistance.
Food Vendors - Licenses
You must have an approved Temporary Food License filed with the Connecticut River Area Health District (CRAHD) before the event.
This form must be submitted to CRAHD no later than June 13, 2025.
Email to crahdoffice@crahd.net
Mail/Drop off to:
CT River Area Health District
455 Boston Post Road, Suite 7
Old Saybrook, CT 06475
Beer Vendors
Beer vendors will be provided 800 12oz cups and 600 wristbands. These will be distributed to you at the Check-In area the day of the event.
Issue a wristband to all eligible customers when you serve them if they are not already wearing one. You are responsible for checking identification before issuing a wristband and with determining whether you will serve someone who is already wearing a wristband.
If you require extra refrridgerated keg storage, email ecodev.events@oldsaybrookct.gov. Several Main Street businesses have volunteers to provide space for this for our beer vendors.
Electrical Needs
Limited electricity is available for vendors.
If electricity is available to you, you will be provided with an extension cord to bridge the first 100' toward your electrical outlet. Please bring your own 100' cord to bridge any remaining distance. If you do not come prepared with your own 100' extension cord you will not have access to electricity.
**NOTE: If you are supplying our own power it cannot exceed 60 decibels when running. Please plan accordingly in order to avoid disturbing participants and fellow vendors.
Restroom Facilities
Public restrooms will be avilable in two locations on Main Street for all vendors and attendees to use.
Trash Collection
Trash cans will be positioned throughout Main Street and emptied on a regular basis throughout the day.
Event/Emergency Contact Info
Contact information for event assistance and emergencies will be provided in your vendor check-in packet on the day of the event.
Event End / Loading
The event will end at 6:30pm. Once the street is safely cleared of pedestrians, you can retrieve your vehicle to begin packing up. You should plan to complete all loading and clean up by 8pm in anticipatoin of the street reopening to vehicular traffic. Please be sure to clean up after yourself using the available trash cans.