Meet the Epic Races Team

Eva Solomon - CEO / Owner / Founder
Hometown: Ann Arbor
When I am not working at Epic Races I am: Working at Epic Races
What year did you start working at Epic? 2008
What is your superpower?
Would you rather be a tiny elephant or giant hamster? Giant Hamster
What is your hidden talent? I can pick the perfect sized Tupperware container for leftovers every time!
Do you have any pets? Gilli the Goldendoodle and Franny the Bernedoodle
Favorite line from a movie? “You is smart. You is kind. You is important.”
If you could add a commandment to the existing 10 what would it be? Thou shalt read “Frequently Asked Questions” before sending an email to Epic Races.
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Dogs or Cats? Dogs
Mountains or Beach? Mountains
Apple or Android? Apple
Cardio or Weights? Both
Big Party or Small Gathering? Big Party
Favorite Race and why (Limit to 2 sentences)? Tri Goddess Tri because it’s where it all began!

Angela Carron - Director of Operations & Volunteers
Hometown: Milan, Michigan
When I am not working at Epic Races I am: Running anywhere and everywhere:)
What year did you start working at Epic? 2023
What is your superpower? I'm pretty sure it is that I could run forever, but I'm too busy to try;)
Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster? A tiny elephant! Have you seen how much fun they have?!?! And I don't think I could handle being in a tiny glass enclosure.
What is your hidden talent? I can replace the toilet paper when it's gone. No one else in my house seems to be able to, so it must be a talent.
Do you have any pets? No, but we treat our neighbor's cat, Pop-Pop, like he's our own. He visits daily:)
Favorite line from a movie? "Take me to bed or lose me forever!"
If you could add a commandment to the existing 10 what would it be? Though shall not drive under 75mph in the fast lane.
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Dogs or Cats? Both
Mountains or Beach? Mountains
Apple or Android? Apple
Cardio or Weights? Cardiooooooo!
Big Party or Small Gathering? Big Party
Favorite Race and why? Any triathlon! To be able to do 3 different activities in one race is SO MUCH FUN!

Tarrah Barshaw - Community Engagement Manager
Hometown: Garden City MI
When I am not working at Epic Races I am: Raising 3 little humans and logging miles !
What year did you start working at Epic? 2025!
What is your superpower? Unlimited patience.
Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster? Tiny elephant, sounds much easier to navigate the world.
What is your hidden talent? Spotting the perfect shoe for someone at a glance ;)
Do you have any pets? No... but my daughter is constantly talking about our "future dog"
Favorite line from a movie?
"What are you listening to?
The Shins. You gotta hear this one song, it will change your life, I swear."
If you could add a commandment to the existing 10 what would it be? Thou shalt take care of your body and mind.
Coffee or Tea? Coffee with foam
Dogs or Cats? Short haired dog that wont bother my allergies.
Mountains or Beach? MOUNTAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apple or Android? Apple
Cardio or Weights? Cardio
Big Party or Small Gathering? Small gathering
Favorite Race and why? Ann Arbor marathon, love the town and love seeing the community come together for it :D

Lou Ann Dixon - Operations
Hometown: LaPorte, IN
When I am not working at Epic Races I am: Training- working at my other job
What year did you start working at Epic? 2015- not sure ask Eva
What is your superpower? At epic it’s merchandising
What is on your bucket list? Go to Hawaii- do another 140.6
Would you rather be a tiny elephant or giant hamster? Giant hamster
What is your hidden talent? I am an illustrator
Do you have any pets? Yes, a dog named Maya
Favorite line from a movie? -Mom! Meatloaf!, for two!!!!!(yelling)
If you could add a commandment to the existing 10 what would it be? Doubt she’ll not act before thinking
Coffee or Tea? Coffee, coffee, coffee all day long
Dogs or Cats? Duh, dog
Mountains or Beach? Depends on the time of year
Apple or Android?🍎
Cardio or Weights? Yes
Big Party or Small Gathering? Small gathering
Favorite Race and why? Non-Epic -would be Sell am Zee(Austria), Epic’s would be Swim to the

Cheryl Sugerman - Food Director
Hometown: Ann Arbor
When I am not working at Epic Races I am: Teaching 3rd grade
What is your superpower? Multitasking
What is on your bucket list? Going to Australia
Would you rather be a tiny elephant or giant hamster? Tiny elephant
Do you have any pets? Yes, two dogs
Favorite line from a movie? I’m a middle child, I assume all the really good moments are for someone else
If you could add a commandment to the existing 10 what would it be? Thou shalt not leave empty empty food boxes on the counter
Coffee or Tea? Iced tea
Dogs or Cats? Dogs
Mountains or Beach? Beach
Apple or Android? Android
Big Party or Small Gathering? Small
Favorite Race and why? Tri Goddess – where I perfected the Epic peanut butter roll up

Greg Sadler - Photographer
Hometown: Gregory
When I am not working at Epic Races I am: Farming, cooking and engaged in my consulting biz
What year did you start working at Epic? Since the very beginning
What is your superpower? Advanced technology integration
What is on your bucket list? Train tour through the pacific northwest all the way to British Columbia
Would you rather be a tiny elephant or giant hamster? Can I be an eagle?
What is your hidden talent? Gourmet chef
Do you have any pets? Tuck, German Shepherd (75%) Australian Shepherd (25%)
Favorite line from a movie? “There’s no crying in baseball”
If you could add a commandment to the existing 10 what would it be? Revere children, they are the future
Coffee or Tea? Both (I have had daily tea since the age of 5)
Dogs or Cats? Dogs
Mountains or Beach? Mountains
Apple or Android? Apple (since the beginning)
Cardio or Weights? Both
Big Party or Small Gathering? Either, as long as I cook
Favorite Race and why? Battle of Waterloo, it was one of the first races and it’s simply awesome

Larry O’Sullivan - Race Crew
Hometown: Ypsilanti, MI
When I am not working at Epic Races I am: Working as Suburban CDJRF of AZ & Detroit Parade Company
What year did you start working at Epic? 2014
What is your superpower? Memory
Would you rather be a tiny elephant or giant hamster? Tiny elephant. Dumbo so I could fly.
Do you have any pets? Three dogs- a retriever, german shepherd, and pitbull
Favorite line from a movie? “They call it a royale with cheese”
If you could add a commandment to the existing 10 what would it be? They shall do epic …
Coffee or Tea? Tea
Dogs or Cats? Dogs
Apple or Android? Apple
Cardio or Weights? Cardio
Favorite Race and why? July 4th Firecracker

Leah Horvath - Athlete Services and Finish Area Coordinator
Hometown: Detroit
When I am not working at Epic Races I am: Gardening, cooking or playing with my three rescue dogs, Sushi, Honey and Mochi.
What year did you start working at Epic? 2023
What is your superpower?: Line management to reduce congestion in finish lines
Would you rather be a tiny elephant or giant hamster? Giant Hamster
What is your hidden talent? I'm forklift certified, and I can flip a single penny with it!
Do you have any pets? Three Shiba Inus (all named after food) and a cat. We have a zoo!
Favorite line from a movie? "Another happy landing."
If you could add a commandment to the existing 10 what would it be? Thou shalt remember that thou's procrastination is not another's emergency.
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Dogs or Cats? Both!
Mountains or Beach? Beach
Apple or Android? Apple
Cardio or Weights? Weights
Big Party or Small Gathering? Small Gathering
Favorite Race and why (Limit to 2 sentences)? Women Run The D - my very first Epic Race that I've ran and worked!

Chuck Block - Timing
Hometown: Livonia, MI
When I am not working at Epic Races I am: Playing with my Grand kids
What year did you start working at Epic? 2024
Would you rather be a tiny elephant or giant hamster? Giant hamster - figure no one is going to mess with a giant hamster :)
Do you have any pets? Not currently but have had 2 dogs and a cat and loved them dearly.
Favorite line from a movie? If you build it, they will come. from Field of Dreams
If you could add a commandment to the existing 10 what would it be? Share what you love.
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Dogs or Cats? Dogs
Mountains or Beach? Mountains
Apple or Android? Apple
Cardio or Weights? Cardio
Big Party or Small Gathering? Small gathering

Reagan Justice - Intern
Hometown: Milan, MI
When I am not working at Epic Races I am: Running or going to class.
What year did you start working at Epic? 2024
Would you rather be a tiny elephant or giant hamster? Tiny Elephant.
What is your hidden talent? I know all the words to any song I like.
Do you have any pets? No:(
Favorite line from a movie? "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller
If you could add a commandment to the existing 10 what would it be? BE NICE.
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Dogs or Cats? Dogs
Mountains or Beach? Mountains
Apple or Android? Apple
Cardio or Weights? Cardio
Big Party or Small Gathering? Small gathering.
Favorite Race and why? Definitely Detroit Mother's Day Run. It is so cool to be in the city of Detroit celebrating some of the strongest women out there!