About Us
Founded over 50 years ago, the Lynchburg Road Runners Club (LRRC) has been promoting a healthy lifestyle through running and race participation in the Greater Lynchburg, Virginia area. Your membership helps support our goal of fitness and fun through the activity of running. Fun runs, our annual race series, seminars, and the world-famous Moore & Giles Virginia 10 Miler are ways in which the LRRC makes a difference in our community. The LRRC is open to all ages and abilities.
Your membership provides:
- Newsletters
- Training Seminars
- Fun Runs
- Point of Honor 5K
- Memorial Day 10K
- LRRC Summer Track Series
- Percival's Island 5 Miler
- LRRC Race Series
- LRRC Kid's Race Series
- 10-Miler Training Run Water Stops
- Moore & Giles Virginia 10/4+ Miler
- John A. Stephenson Youth Run
In addition, members enjoy discounts on LRRC races and a 10% discount at Riverside Runners.
Your membership also:
- Ensures that we can provide and foster running- and fitness-related activities throughout the Greater Lynchburg area
- Gives us a voice within the Road Runners Club of America
- Provides liability insurance for club activities
Road Runners Club of America

We would love to hear from you!
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us using the form below.
At the Lynchburg Road Runners Club, connecting with our community is a central focus. Whether you have questions, feedback, or are interested in getting more involved, we’d love to hear from you. Simply fill out the contact form above, or reach out directly to LRRC President, Bret Boman, at bret@virginia10miler.com or 434-841-0554. We look forward to connecting with you!
Officers and Board Members
At the heart of our club are the incredible individuals who serve on our Board of Directors. These passionate leaders dedicate their time, expertise, and energy to ensuring the growth and success of the Lynchburg Road Runner Club. Each board member brings a unique perspective and a shared commitment to promoting fitness, community engagement, and the love of running in Lynchburg and beyond.

President Bret Boman: Bret became an LRRC member when he moved here in 1981. As a firm believer in what Woody Hayes, the legendary Ohio State football coach, said, “You can pay back seldom, but you can always pay forward,” he founded and has co-directed (with a lot of wonderful help) the LRRC Summer Track Series in 1992 and has served as the Virginia 10 Miler elite runner coordinator since 2009. He is a retired engineering manager for Framatome and its predecessor Babcock & Wilcox (B&W). He led the B&W team to victory in the first 10 Miler corporate championship in 1983. He and his wife, Lisa (also an avid runner) reside in Forest and have three adult children.

Vice President Evan Davis: Evan has been involved in the Lynchburg Road Runners Club since birth because his parents were active members in the Lynchburg running community. Evan served as the Treasurer of the Club from 2016 to 2024 and now serves as the Vice President. Evan is the race director of the Point of Honor 5K and John A. Stephenson Youth Run, along with assisting in the administration and direction of the LRRC Summer Track Series and the Virginia 10 Miler. He is a previous champion of the LRRC Spring Race Series and continues to push the pace to this day. Evan has worked at BWXT since 2014 in various program, business, and regulatory management roles. He resides in Lynchburg and firmly believes that the area is the perfect location to live, work, and run.

Treasurer Sherry Gray: Sherry is passionate about running and supporting the community, making involvement with Lynchburg Road Runners a perfect fit. She enjoys the events and volunteer opportunities that the club promotes. She works as a Finance Manager at Framatome, where she has been employed for the past 17 years. She is married to Eric and has two adult children.

Secretary Francis Bush: Francis is a native of New Jersey. He was brought to Virginia as an accounting professor at VMI. Upon retiring from VMI, he joined the faculty at Lynchburg College. He became involved with LRRC in 2022 when he retired from the University of Lynchburg. He stepped up his game to marathons in 1995, completing a marathon in all fifty states and DC in 2014.

Board Member Lesley McPhatter: Lesley is a lifetime member of the LRRC thanks to her dad Frank who kept the whole family running from the time they could walk. Lesley has been a board member since 2013 and serves as the LRRC Chair for the Virginia 10-Miler. She has run the last 32 Virginia 10 milers and enjoys trail and road running, preferring 50K in the mountains to a 5 K on the roads. Lesley is a registered dietitian at the University of Virginia Lynchburg Dialysis Center and oversees the renal nutrition program. She is the mother to 3 college aged daughters. She and her husband Bob live in Amherst County on the James River with 6 very lucky dogs.

Board Member Monica Kamin: Monica is a passionate runner who embraced running as a way to cope with life's challenges. She began participating in official races during her sophomore year of college and has been running consistently for the past several years. Monica trains 3-4 days a week during marathon season, balancing long runs and speed work, and enjoys road-based running as well as exploring local parks. Her dream is to run the Dopey Challenge at Disney World in 2027 for her 30th birthday. Monica values the sense of community in the LRRC and encourages local runners to join for the camaraderie and support that have made her a better runner.

Board Member Heshan Gunawardane: Heshan Gunawardane discovered his passion for running later in life. His first race after moving to Lynchburg was the VA 4-miler in 2013, and he hasn't looked back since. Striving to get faster with age, Heshan combines various aspects of fitness to complement his running. He joined the LRRC board to give back to a community that offers ample opportunities to stay physically fit while enjoying the beauty of Central Virginia. Professionally, Heshan has been with Framatome since relocating to Lynchburg in 2002. His wife, Niro, is a marathoner and they like to combine running with another hobby: travel. Their son Cayden (now 17) is a sometime runner having run ten consecutive years of the VA 4-miler starting at the age of 7. Heshan's family initially caught the running bug at the LRRC Summer Track Series for ages 1–101, which they joined when Cayden was a tot (age 4)!

Board Member Andrew Wilds: Andrew is proof that running is for everyone. His personal history with running began in 7th grade with the humiliating set of physical tasks known as the “Presidents Physical Fitness Test” in which uncoordinated, late blooming, underdeveloped kids like him got to watch peers with mustaches complete tasks. Coupled with the “picked last for teams” phenomenon, it developed his dislike for sports in general. When he moved to Lynchburg in the late 1980’s his friend group developed a motto: “Why not get in shape? There is nothing else to do!” So despite his dislike for sports, he joined the downtown YMCA which lead to triathlons, marathons (including Boston), ultras, a couple of Double Iron mans and even completing the Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim (R2R2R) at Grand Canyon. But his favorite running activity is running with his “trail family” and the bonding and support that has lasted throughout the years. His major running interests these days are photographing races and promoting running as a life-long fun activity. You can peak at any age and only have to compete against yourself. He also helps direct the John A Stephenson Youth Race and the Point of Honor 5K.

Board Member Susan Coalson: Susan started running the year she turned 40. She enjoys running in all of the local races and enjoys the marathon distance above all other distances. The local running community is so strong and supportive it makes the sport of running an easy hobby to love. Keith and Susan, along with a fabulous group of friends, who happen to be runners, ran The Virginia 10 Miler course 50 times in 2024 in honor of the 50th anniversary of the race. Keith and Susan have two grown daughters who enjoy running and two spectacular grandchildren who are also being brought up in the sport.

Board Member Jeff Harrington: Jeff is a lifelong running enthusiast. He’s been a member of the club since 1997. Growing up in the 1970s, he witnessed the running boom and watched athletes like Bill Rodgers dominate the VA10 Miler. It wasn’t until after college that Jeff decided to train seriously for it. Since then, he’s completed 26 consecutive VA10s and has run in 10 Boston Marathons. For 30 years, he’s averaged 20 races a year. The running bug bit him good! These days, he finds the most joy in cheering others across the finish line. His latest hobby is wood carving, but he jokes that he’s still better at running.

Board Member Rhonda Sprouse:
Board Member Grattan Garbee:
Board Member Linzie Johnson:

The LRRC also benefits from the expertise of two key consultants: Jeff Fedorko, the owner of Riverside Runners and the longest-serving VA10 Miler Race Director, and Matthew Lohmeyer.