CHRISTkindlmarktCHS 2024 Guide *RED= learn German!
~ Willkommen! Follow the Herrnhuter Moravian Star to enter CHRISTkindlmarkt CHS! Moravians were Christians refugees who fled _____for Moravia in _____. Enter under the Christkindlmarkt for every German city, town, or village has a sign with its markt’s name. Snap a photo of Christkindlmarkt CHS (Christ Child Market) and tag us on IG or FB at @germanchristmasmarktchs, please.
**** ROUTE A- Hungry, eh? This is your route if food is your priority!
***** ROUTE B - Shop now eat later! Flip this guide over and start at route B
***Route A- Wander to your right up the gravel way along Verkäuferstrasse (Vendor Street). Shop the artisans along the way inside our authentic Hüttes (huts) crafted and shipped from a small village in Bramstedtlund, Germany!
On your right find the romantic GlasHaus (glasshouse) to shop for yourself or for unique gifts. Nestle in front of the 1500 light Weihnachtsbaum (Christmas Tree, the symbol of everlasting life) stretching its bare arms, towards you for the perfect photo.
~ Now, make your way to the smells and offerings at the Schlemmerbereich (food court). Find American eats or German fare, plus pretzels and sweet treats for now or later.
After a belly full, ~ The fun Green Stripe tent is the KlausHaus, named for our German girl, Conny Klaus who came into our lives in 1993, gifting us our first wooden handcraft. Here spy the Kinder Vendors (age 18 and under) as we inspire young entrepreneurs.
~ Onward to enjoy the wonderment of our German LGB Garden Railaway Train, constructed and shared with all by Chris Otto, Lt Col, USAF (retired).
~ Stop for a German brew on tap in the BierHaus (Beer House). The Reinheitsgebot (500-year-old purity laws limiting brewers to just four ingredients: malt, hops, yeast and water……no brewing sugar, no corn, no millet is what sets German Beer into a class of its own —-at the top! Don’t miss the CHRISTkindlmarkt CHS “Bier of the Year”! ……..Now, take Route B to shop riverside!
***ROUTE B - Shopping is straight ahead at the entry sign if you plan to eat later.
~ On the riverside shop the big Verkäuferhaus (Vendor House) tent and up by the river find (Vendor Row) together filled with 30 small business makers, crafters, and artists. Next, possibly slow down and gather by the Feuerkessel (fire kettle), or sit near the cross and nativity, enjoy music and reflect on Christ, born to save.
The terracotta roofed Alpenhaus (Alpine House) hosts the marquee’ stall of all ~ German Handwerks (handcrafts)! Browse German handcrafts and see a Räuchermann (Smokerman) in action!
~ On the terrace peer into each of the vast window displays. At the far right this scenic “fairytale town” in Bavaria is perfect for a photo together. This is also near the GERMAN MEET UP SPOT each markt. PSSST- This year meet Conny and her husband Gunar Klaus visiting from Germany at the German “meet up” at 3:30 DAY MARKTS and 8:30 NIGHT MARKTS. if you lived in German or are German - come meet up!
~ Don’t miss the indoor train in the window and the Smokerman display which then lands you at the terrace BierHaus to snag a warm cup of Glühwein (mulled red wine) the drink of the German Christkindlmarkts. The wine cup is made especially for CHRISTkindlmarkt CHS in Dresden, Germany. Add to your cup collection or start a tradition this year with the 2024 wine cup to take away.
~ Don’t forget to take time to slow this busy season down by gathering at the fires or tables to enjoy the music, sights, one another, and celebrating all the season of Christmas means. We invite you to stay for story time at the DAY Markt and Vespers at the NIGHT Markt at the Feuerkessel 20 min before each markt closing.
As you go, our family invites you to continue worshipping Christ throughout the year in your heart, home and church. If interested our family worships at four different churches and we invite and welcome you here all year! We are grateful and thank you for coming to experience CHRISTkindlmarkt CHS 2024 and the GIFT of our Savior who’s “coming” we celebrate at advent and CHRISTmas.
Fröhe Weihnachten and Merry Christmas from Familie Caldwell